Membership Training & Benefits

Member Benefits
As a Chamber member, you will be better known in the community, enjoy marketing opportunities exclusive to members, and be on the cutting edge of civic and economic change in the area!
Chamber Directory Listing and Web Connection
With our Basic Member package you will have access and management of your category listing with 200 characters to describe your business, hours of operations, as well as adding information for social media connections and a map view of your business!
Free Customer Attraction
Let the Chamber bring people to your business through Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Opening Celebrations, Customer Appreciation Events or Anniversary Celebrations.
It’s Who You Know
Network free with fellow members, prospects and community leaders at any of the 18 annual mixers, held at various businesses and areas in within Castro Valley and the Eden Area!
Improve Your Business
Enjoy discounted entrance to the Chamber hosted Seminars and Symposiums throughout the year to help better educate business owners on how to optimize what you do and who you reach.
Discounted Event Sponsorship and Participation
Share in the fun while enjoying invaluable exposure and interaction with the community. Display, exhibit, or sponsor at a discount! A list of our annual events can be found on the calendar or under the “Events” tab above.

Pay it Forward
Be a part of our Community-driven committees and work with like-minded leaders to achieve goals that benefit commerce and the community.
Cost Effective Marketing Options
The Chamber offers numerous alternatives to help you reach a broader audience efficiently.
Ask us!
Don’t hesitate to call or email the Chamber offices for questions about the benefits open to you! Email or (510)537-5300